Before And After

A little weight gain is acceptable during pregnancy, as this goes to provide your baby with all the nutrients it needs during the development stages. However, as soon as your baby is born, you need to come up with weight loss after pregnancy strategies to keep fit.

If you are like most first time mothers, you may be deeply concerned about getting your usual body weight back after giving birth. Fortunately, weight loss after pregnancy secrets aren’t kept hidden. If you started out with a normal pre pregnancy weight and have gained around 25 to 35 pounds, it shouldn’t take more than 9 months for you to get back in shape. With regular exercise and the right post pregnancy diet plan, you will able to bring back your fabulous body in no time.


Breastfeeding actually helps in weight loss after pregnancy. In a study conducted by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, breastfeeding actually leads to a type of hormone release that will make your uterus return to its original pre-pregnant size.

But breastfeeding alone will not help you get rid of all the excess pounds. You also need to integrate this strategy with a regular exercise program and a healthy diet. You need to make sure that you eat at least 1800 calories daily while breastfeeding to keep your body and your baby healthy.

Weight Loss After Pregnancy How Long?

Don’t rush back into getting your pre pregnancy weight after giving birth. It can be a very stressful time and you don’t want that extra burden of losing weight. According to research studies, about a pound or two loss per week is already good enough.

A slow approach would be best since your body needs time to recover after pregnancy and child birth.

A woman gains an average of 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. Losing a pound or two in a weak is a viable proposition. Don’t push yourself. Aim for reasonable and doable weight loss after pregnancy goals. Start losing weight by exercising daily and eating a balanced diet.

Spend at least 20 to 30 minutes each day walking around the neighborhood or at the park. Exercise speeds up your metabolism and burns excess calories.


There are plenty of blog sites out there who will offer you tips and recommendations on how you can achieve weight loss after pregnancy. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Choose a pregnancy diet and exercise plan that will work for you and your busy schedule.

Take on more of the super foods. Yogurt, milk, beans, chicken, and lean meat are rich calcium sources that will keep your bones strong. They are also high in fiber content to keep you feel full longer.

Drink up. Drink at least eight to ten glasses of water daily to prevent dehydration. Research studies have shown that water also speeds up your metabolism. Move around. Incorporate strength training and aerobic exercises to keep your bones and muscles strong.

Get some sleep. When you are tired, your body releases stress hormones that will promote weight gain.