Pregnancy is when many women fear putting on dozens of pounds and not being able to get them off for years, if ever. Nutrition is important to your health, as well as the health of your infant. The problem starts when women believe they literally need to eat for two people. This is not the case, as one of those “people” weighs less than four pounds for a majority of the pregnancy.


The ideal diet for you when you are pregnant is eating healthy and consuming roughly 300 more calories a day. On top of that, you will want to take your prenatal vitamins and make sure you are getting enough folic acid.

It is important that you do not actually diet in the sense that most people think of. You just simply need to eat in a healthy manner.

You will need to make a menu where you are eating a small meal every three to four hours. You need to consume between eight to ten servings of whole grains, three servings of fruit, at least four servings of vegetables, three servings of lean proteins, and four servings of dairy. This does not mean that you have to eat meat, but protein is very important to the growth of our child.

Things To Avoid

There are foods that should be avoided while pregnant to keep you and your infant as healthy as possible. You should not drink alcohol or artificial sweeteners. Caffeine should also be limited because it can increase our blood pressure, heart rate, and the heart rate of your infant. Finally, avoid anything unpasteurized and shark, or swordfish. The main thing is to eat foods that benefit the health of your child, and avoid losing weight.

Types of Diets

There are many types of diets that one can find when searching online. Some are safe for pregnancy, while others are very dangerous. The Atkins Diet is the most dangerous diet, as you need the whole grains to give you energy. Diets that are high in protein, whether from meat or not, are ideal for mothers who have a child who have a low gestational weight. Supplementing your diet with iron-rich foods and calcium will make sure that your infant is well cared for, regardless of what diet you select.


Water is a very important part of a pregnant mother’s diet because every day the amniotic fluid fluctuates. The amount of water you drink replenishes the fluid that is absorbed and used by the infant. You want to drink roughly a cup of water an hour, every hour you are awake.

Phone App

There is one app that is designed to help moms from pregnancy through the nursing years stay on track with their nutritional needs. Expecting Nutrition uses charts to track your caloric intake, food log to record what you eat, weight log, blood glucose log, and send reports.
Charts With the charts, you are able to see your entire nutritional infant at once. This includes all of the food and liquids that you consume throughout the day.
Daily Food Log Daily logs are used by more people than just those who are pregnant. Anyone and everyone can see the benefit of keeping
a daily food log to prevent things from being missed or overlooked.
Weight Log With the weight log, you will be able to track your weight during the pregnancy and after you deliver. This will help you gain and lose in a respected manner where your health and your infant’s health are preserved. Weight gained correctly during pregnancy can be easier to lose.
Blood Glucose Log If you must track your blood glucose, having this app will help immensely. You will be able to log the results and track
any patterns that may reveal themselves to you.
Send Reports Your nutritional well-being does not have to be something you battle by yourself. The daily logs that you track on the phone are easy to send. You can exchange the log with your dietician and/or your physician.

The only downside to this application is it is currently only available for iPhone users. It is not yet available for Android, BlackBerry, or  Windows OS Phones.


For those who do not have an iPhone, and those that do but want printed assistance, there is a book for you. The Pregnancy Diet by Eileen Behan brings the answers to all questions pregnant mothers may have. There are conversations on how to be pregnant and a vegetarian, and all of the facts of the foods to avoid. There are guidelines to special dietary needs, such as gestational diabetes, and information on exercise
programs. If you only look at one book for your pregnancy, this is the one to get. It goes as far as adding weight goals for pregnancy, regardless of the number of children you are carrying. It is the all-encompassing resource, perfect for the time of your life when your memory will likely fail on many occasions.