When you are pregnant, everyone tells you that you should not lose weight. You are also told to gain only 15 to 30 pounds if possible. When you have cravings that drive you to eat ice cream at midnight, and Chinese or Mexican for breakfast, your weight seems to aggravate you no matter what you do. This can be especially true when you are overweight and were losing weight prior to becoming pregnant. Luckily, there
safe ways to lose small amounts of weight throughout your pregnancy and not force you to worry about the health of your infant.

First Trimester

Weight loss during the first trimester may not be a problem, especially if you are suffering from morning sickness. However, losing weight from morning sickness is not healthy. It is vital that you continue to take your prenatal vitamins and watch your nutrition. Not eating can prevent you from getting the necessary vitamins and nutrients, including iron. It also can cause your blood sugar levels to drop to dangerous

If you already have an exercise routine, you can continue throughout your pregnancy until you are too tired or your balance is in question. Many find running, walking, and basic weight lifting provide continued weight loss if they maintain a healthy diet. If you work out, make sure you talk to your doctor about the requirements your infant needs to grow and remain in good physical shape.

However, if you do not have a routine in place, there are ways to start exercising. When you are pregnant, you do not want to start an intense routine immediately. Starting to walk once a day for 15-30 minutes and then work your way up to one hour a day is a great place to start. Water aerobics is another way that one can work out, and is recommended because it helps your flexibility. Cardio and weights can be accomplished in water aerobics and your growing stomach will not be a hindrance.

Second Trimester

During the second trimester, you will need to adjust your diet. This is because morning sickness begins to wane and your body is able to utilize everything that you consume. This is the stage that you want to make sure that you take in roughly 2000 calories. If you concentrate on lean meats, limited carbohydrates with whole grains, and increased fruits and vegetables, you will have no problems either maintaining your weight or losing.

The exercise routines that you had during the first trimester should be continued during the second trimester. Most women are able to run still, just not as fast, and walking routes can easily be one to three miles. You do not want to push yourself but you will want to make sure you get your heart rate up for 30 minutes. Yoga, water aerobics, and stretching are also vital in the second trimester so you can begin to prepare your body for the third pregnancy and labor.

Third Trimester

The third trimester is when you will most likely put on the greatest amount of weight. This is the stage of pregnancy that is watching your diet may not help you lose weight, but will assist in you not gaining too much weight. It is also weighed that you will lose quickly after delivery since it is going to nourish the baby, the umbilical fluid, and cause the baby to gain weight. You should not lose weight during the third trimester, but you should not gain more than 10-15 pounds during the entire 16 weeks.

During the third trimester, you will find it next to impossible to run, but walking can be continued until birth. Walking is strongly suggested after week 32 because it helps your body become prepared for the birth process. Yoga and water aerobics are also vital during this stage of pregnancy. The labor and delivery will be strenuous on your body, so the more you are prepared through exercise, the shorter the recovery

If you have lost weight during the first two trimesters, the amount you gain during the third will be lost during delivery. It is possible to weigh less after delivering your bundle of joy than you did before. This is true even if you were obese before pregnancy. Just because you should not try to lose weight during pregnancy, it does not mean that safe weight loss is not possible. It is extremely important that you watch what you eat and you talk to your physician. You do not want to lose too much weight and you definitely do not want to starve your infant. With eating
healthy, consistent exercise, and stretching, weight loss can occur during pregnancy. If nothing else, you will not gain very much and it will be easier to lose weight after you deliver your baby.