Pregnancy is extremely stressful and it can only be made worse if you experience bleeding at any time. Vaginal bleeding does not necessarily mean you are having your periods during your pregnancy, and it does not always mean something is wrong. In fact, close to 30-percent of women will suffer bleeding in early pregnancy, and then roughly one to two percent of women may have bleeding after the first trimester. When bleeding occurs, you should first ask yourself the following things:

  • Have you had sexual intercourse recently?
  • Have you recently undergone an internal exam?
  • How much blood loss are you experiencing?
  • What color is your blood?


During the first three months of pregnancy, bleeding can be a sign of an imminent miscarriage. You should call your doctor if your bleeding is accompanied by cramping that is similar to menstrual cramps or stronger, and any tissue lost with the blood. If your blood is bright red, then you should call the doctor immediately. Miscarriages cannot always be prevented, in fact, close to 20-percent of all pregnancies end in

Ectopic Pregnancies

Mild bleeding and severe cramping can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. Your hCG counts will be low and you will have intense pain on either side of the abdominal area. It depends on which side you ovulated from. An ectopic pregnancy is when the egg is fertilized and implants in the fallopian tubes. You can be more at risk for an ectopic pregnancy if you have had an ectopic pregnancy in the past, or if you
have had pelvic surgery at any time.

Molar Pregnancy

Molar pregnancies do not only cause you vaginal bleeding, but also a lot of heartache. That is because it is not really a pregnancy at all. It is a group of tissue due to hormones and cause very high hCG levels. There will never be a heartbeat, because there is no embryo.


If you have bleeding roughly two weeks after conception, usually a week after a positive home pregnancy test, then you are probably experiencing implantation bleeding. Your uterus is very sensitive and for the embryo to implant into the uterine lining, you will experience mild blood loss. The bleeding should be very light and can last from a few hours to a few days.

Urinary Tract Infection

Infections can cause irritation and bleeding. Your doctor should take a urine sample at every prenatal visit to test for protein and leukocytes. If you let urinary tract infections go on too long, then you can do damage to your kidneys.

Subchorionic Hematomas

Subchorionic hematomas occur in three percent of all of the pregnancies that occur annually. It is when the chorion separates from the inner membrane of the uterus, known as the endometrium. While this can lead to an increased risk of a miscarriage, most will go away and require no treatment.

Placental Abruption

Placental abruption occurs in the last three months of the pregnancy. You will experience vaginal bleeding, but also stomach pains. Those who are older when they are pregnant are at a greater risk of experiencing placental abruption. It is also prevalent in women who have high blood pressure or use cocaine.

Placenta Previa

Another cause of vaginal bleeding is placenta previa. If you suffer from this, it means that the baby’s placenta is low in the uterus and is covered by the cervix. It is a very serious condition and often results in a cesarean section birth. If you have had other children, or are carrying multiple children, then you are at a higher risk for placenta previa. If you have bleeding later in your pregnancy, and have not experienced any bleeding prior, then you will want to be checked for placental problems.

Preterm Labor

Bleeding during pregnancy could mean that your body is beginning to go into labor. This is not a good thing if you are not at least 36 weeks pregnant. Other signs of preterm labor include pelvic pressure, lower backache, cramps, and regular contractions. If you suspect your vaginal bleeding is due to preterm labor, then you should contact your OBGYN or go to the hospital immediately. Continued below….


The final time you will experience bleeding during pregnancy is when your body goes into labor. You will experience an initial blood and tissue loss that is known as the mucus plug. It can take several days or come out all at once. Your mucus plug can regrow so you will want to look for other labor symptoms before getting excited about your mucus plug. This is the time you will want to start paying attention to
your contractions and any backache.

Bleeding is not abnormal during your pregnancy, but if you are worried about other symptoms that you experience at the same time, contact your doctor. Some women experience mild bleeding when they would normally experience their menstrual cycle. As long as you do not experience any cramping, or tissue loss with it, then you likely have nothing to worry about.